HPC Special Session

HPC solutions for Climate Sciences

Leading innovations and technologies in High Performance Computing presented to climate scientists

Martedì, 30 settembre, 2014 – 14.00 – 15.30
Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia
Room A, Ca’ Dolfin


La climatologia e le scienze del clima necessitano di continui miglioramenti nella capacità di calcolo e di analisi dei dati per simulare con sempre maggiore accuratezza l’evoluzione dei cambiamenti climatici. La sessione fornirà una panoramica sui recenti progressi e le tendenze future sulla tecnologia informatica e il relativo impatto sulle soluzioni (High Performance Computing).

Quattro aziende del settore (DDN, IBM, Intel, NVIDIA) sono state invitate a presentare la loro visione sui trend HPC e sul modo in cui la tecnologia può supportare gli sviluppi futuri delle scienze del clima.


Chairman: Marco Briscolini – IBM Italia SpA


From HPC Storage to Object Storage

Tommaso Cecchi, Data Direct Network

The talk will present a short overview of current and upcoming developments in disk storage technology. It will cover latest HPC Storage technology, grand challenge ‘burst buffer’ solutions as well as object oriented cloud storage.


Data-Centric System in Large Scale Computing and BigData analysis

Marco Briscolini & Giorgio Richelli, IBM

Data-Centric System is the new paradigm to design large-scale infrastructure for computing and data analysis. The key concept regards the designing of three layers architecture for computing and data processing with the goal to optimize data access and processing in intensive computing environment. The talk will report about technology trends and recent experiences.


Moore’s law impact and benefits

Andrea Toigo, Intel

The computational capabilities at microprocessor level duplicate about every 18 months. The new challenge is how to exploit such computational growth rate to improve present and future quality of life. The presentation will report about the more significant technology progresses, which will help us to predict future scenarios.


Progress on parallelizing NWP and Climate models with GPUs

Francois Courteille, NVIDIA

The computing capabilities from a server to a large cluster got a significant improvement by adopting hybrid computing model based on NVIDIA GPUs. The talk will address most of progresses and trends about NVIDIA technology solution for high performance computing, looking at the great challenges as those in climatology and environmental science.