Call for posters 2016

The organizing committee solicits contributions for the POSTER SESSION.

The full text of the  CALL FOR POSTERS is available here (click)



A short ABSTRACT (maximum 300 words) should be provided in the requested template (available here), and sent to in its final version, in English, no later than:

August 29, 2016 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)


All poster abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.

A notification of the abstract acceptance will be communicated to you by:

September 12, 2016 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)




How to submit

To submit your poster please follow these steps:

  • Read carefully the CALL FOR POSTERS available HERE (click)
  • Keep in mind to follow all the editorial requirements available HERE (click)
  • Submit your Abstract Poster before August 29, 2016 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) by mail to: [Please, note that the submitted file must strictly follow the editorial instructions. All works must be presented in the requested format, works presented in different formats will not be taken into account].
  • Fill in the registration form available HERE (click) [Please, note that at least one author of the work must register for the Conference to present the paper selected by the Scientific Committee.]


Editorial requirements

Authors are requested to strictly follow the instructions and the templates downloadable from the “Guidelines and template” webpage.

If you want to include the SISC logo on your poster/presentation, you can find SISC high-resolution logos here.

For further info please contact