In Italiano
Rapporto IPCC “L’oceano e la criosfera in un clima che cambia: Sommario per i decisori politici” Edizione italiana
Il rapporto speciale sull’oceano e la criosfera in un clima che cambia (SROCC) è stato preparato a seguito di una decisione dell’IPCC nel 2016 di preparare tre rapporti speciali nel corso del sesto ciclo di valutazione. Il rapporto speciale sull’oceano e la criosfera in un clima che cambia ha valutato la più recente letteratura scientifica. Il rapporto segue gli altri due rapporti speciali sul riscaldamento globale di 1,5°C (SR1.5) e sui cambiamenti climatici e il territorio (SRCCL) e la piattaforma intergovernativa di politica scientifica sulla biodiversità e i servizi ecosistemici (IPBES). Questo sommario per i decisori politici (SPM), tradotto a cura della Società Scientifica per le Scienze del Clima, raccoglie i risultati chiave del rapporto ed è strutturato in tre parti: A) cambiamenti e impatti osservati, B) cambiamenti e rischi previsti e C) attuazione delle risposte al cambiamento dell’oceano e della criosfera. La terminologia utilizza un linguaggio calibrato dall’IPCC6.
La presente traduzione non è una traduzione ufficiale dell’IPCC. La traduzione in lingua italiana è stata realizzata con la massima cura da parte del traduttore e dei revisori, al fine di rendere il testo originale dell’IPCC nel modo più appropriato possibile.
Come organismo delle Nazioni Unite, l’IPCC pubblica i suoi rapporti nelle sei lingue ufficiali delle Nazioni Unite (arabo, cinese, inglese, francese, russo, spagnolo). Le versioni in queste lingue sono disponibili per il download su
Rapporto IPCC “L’oceano e la criosfera in un clima che cambia – Sommario per Decisori politici” Edizione italiana (PDF, 5.9 Mb)
Rapporto IPCC “Riscaldamento globale di 1,5°C: Sommario per i decisori politici” Edizione italiana
Un rapporto speciale dell’IPCC sugli impatti del riscaldamento globale di 1,5°C rispetto ai livelli preindustriali e sugli andamenti correlati delle emissioni globali di gas serra, nel contesto di un rafforzamento della risposta globale alla minaccia dei cambiamenti climatici, dello sviluppo sostenibile e degli sforzi per debellare la povertà.
La presente traduzione non è una traduzione ufficiale dell’IPCC.
La traduzione in lingua italiana è stata realizzata con la massima cura da parte del traduttore e dei revisori, al fine di rendere il testo originale dell’IPCC nel modo più appropriato possibile.
Come organismo delle Nazioni Unite, l’IPCC pubblica i suoi rapporti nelle sei lingue ufficiali delle Nazioni Unite (arabo, cinese, inglese, francese, russo, spagnolo). Le versioni in queste lingue sono disponibili per il download su
» Rapporto IPCC “Riscaldamento globale di 1,5°C – Sommario per Decisori politici” (versione italiana) (PDF, 1191 Kb)
In Inglese
“Accelerating Climate Action: A just Transition in a Post-Covid Era” Book of Abstracts
“Accelerating Climate Action: A just Transition in a Post-Covid Era” Book of Abstracts” is the title of the SISC 9th Annual Conference, held on September 22nd-24th, 2021.
The Conference aimed at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
» “Accelerating Climate Action: A just Transition in a Post-Covid Era” Book of Abstracts (PDF, 2237 Kb)
ClimRisk2020 Time for Action! Book of Abstracts
“ClimRisk2020: Time for Action! Raising the ambition of climate action in the age of global emergencies” is the title of the SISC 8th Annual Conference, held on October 21st-23rd, 2020.
The Conference aimed at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
» ClimRisk2020 Time for Action! Book of Abstracts (PDF, 2578 Kb)
ClimRisk19 Book of Abstracts
“ClimRisk19 | Climate Risk: implications for ecosystem services and society, challenges, solutions” is the title of the SISC Seventh Annual Conference, held on October 23rd-25th, 2019 in Trento, Italy, at Autonomous Province of Trento premises.
The Conference aimed at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
» ClimRisk19 Book of Abstracts (PDF, 2053 Kb)
“Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation” Book of Abstracts
“Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation” is the title of the SISC Sixth Annual Conference, taking place on October 17th-19th, 2018 at the Scientific Campus of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venezia-Mestre, Italy.
The Conference aimed at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
» 2018 SISC Annual Conference book of Abstracts (PDF, 1794 Kb)
“Climate Action in Support of the Paris Agreement” Book of Abstracts
“Climate Action in support of the Paris Agreement” is the title of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC), that took place on October 26-27, 2017 at the CNR Conference Center in the Bologna Research Area, Italy.
» 2017 SISC Annual Conference book of Abstracts (PDF, 6555 Kb)
“Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target” Book of Abstracts
The 2016 Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) took place on October 19-20, 2016 in Cagliari, Italy.
The conference, entitled “Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target”, was organized by SISC in cooperation with other Italian Institutions. It aimed to foster the scientific debate among scientists, policy and decision makers (Italians and foreigners), NGOs members and other stakeholders whose activities are focused on climate change and its relationships with the environment and socioeconomic systems, opportunities and solutions helping in respecting the recent Paris agreement.
» 2016 SISC Annual Conference Book of Abstracts (PDF, 1552 Kb)
“Climate Change: scenarios, impacts and policy” Book of Abstracts
The Second Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences, entitled “Climate Change: Scenarios, Impacts and Policy”, aimed to involve scientists, researchers and policy makers, whose activities are focused on diff erent aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
It took place in Venice (Italy) on September 29-30, 2014.
» 2014 SISC Annual Conference Book of Abstracts (PDF, 587 Kb)
“Climate Change and its Implications on Ecosystem Services and Society” Book of Abstracts
The First Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences entitled “Climate change and its implications on ecosystem services and society” aimed to involve scientists, researchers, policy makers, Italians, and foreigners working in close contact with our country, whose activities closely affect aspects of climate change and their relationships on environmental and socio-economic systems.
It took place in Lecce (Italy) on 23-24 September 2013.
» 2013 SISC Annual Conference book of Abstracts (PDF, 6555 Kb)