Institutional members directory

ARPA Lomabrdia AMPRO CMCC Fondazione Enel FEEM
FLA Fondazione OMD IVSLA Nature 4.0 RSE
IAS SMI Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Dept. Economics VIU

Arpa Lombardia
ARPA Lombardia – Regional agency for the protection of the environment of Lombardy – deals with the prevention and protection of the environment, supporting regional and local institutions in many activities: from the fight against air and noise pollution to interventions for the protection of water surface and underground, from the monitoring of electromagnetic fields to investigations of soil contamination and remediation processes. Member since: February 2023

Associazione Meteo Professionisti
Mission of the Association AMPRO deals with the recognition, enhancement and promotion of the profession of Meteorological Technician and Meteorologist in Italy. Member since: April 2022

Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC)
The National Research Centre on Climate Science and Policy: Integrated, multidisciplinary frontier research to understand, control and adapt to Climate Change. Member since: January 2013

Enel Foundation
Established in early 2012, with the key objective of supporting the development of studies and research mainly in the energy field, Enel Foundation is an Italian non-profit organization promoted and financed by Enel S.p.A.
Based in Rome, Enel Foundation endorses the promotion of multi flag capacity building programs, training, and dissemination initiatives regarding the power sector, socioeconomics, sustainable development, and innovation issues, at the crossroads of climate change and energy transition with a special focus on social sciences, policy & regulation, and technologies. An endeavour also committed to bridging the gap between the academic and the corporate world, bringing together universities, public and private research bodies, businesses, associations, et al. Member since: February 2022

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), founded in 1989, is a non profit, policy-oriented, international research center and a think-tank producing high-quality, innovative, interdisciplinary and scientifically sound research on sustainable development. It contributes to the quality of decision-making in public and private spheres through analytical studies, policy advice, scientific dissemination and high-level education. Thanks to its international network, FEEM integrates its research and dissemination activities with those of the best academic institutions and think tanks around the world. Member since: January 2022

Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente (FLA)
Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente (FLA) is a non-profit moral and scientific body whose aim is to support public and private entities in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The constant collaboration with local authorities translates into a profitable store of knowledge to support concrete territorial governance policies. Member since: February 2014

Fondazione Osservatorio Meteorologico Milano Duomo (Fondazione OMD)
Fondazione OMD is a non profit organization which promotes and develops study and research programs in Applied Meteorology and Climatology, with a particular focus on the urban environment and all the activities that take place in it: urban planning and management, public health, energy, building, logistics and everything related to the sustainability of human activities and systems.
It is evenly important and primary for Fondazione OMD to invest in the awareness and dissemination of a multi-level meteorological culture: from institutions to citizens, through professionals and economic operators. To achieve these goals Fondazione OMD carries out teaching and dissemination activities, aimed at raising the level of knowledge and awareness of climate variability and its impacts, and enhancing the importance of meteorological culture.
Furthermore, Fondazione OMD provides professional weather services and technical and scientific support to individuals, economic operators and public administrations in all activities which are directly or indirectly influenced by meteorology and climate. Member since: January 2022

Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti
The Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti stemmed as a branch of the “Reale Istituto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti”, established by Napoleon in 1810. After the annexation of Venetia to Kingdom of Italy, it was recognized as one of the most prestigious Italian Academies. By statute it promotes studies on Sciences, Humanities and Arts. Moreover it is actively engaged in organizing and achieving research activities in collaboration with others Academies, Universities and Research Centers. Member since: April 2022

Nature 4.0 Società Benefit SRL
Nature 4.0 is a Benefit Corporation and innovative start-up following a series of innovations and technologies developed in the university laboratories. The company has developed several several devices on microprocessor and wireless data transmission for monitoring environmental parameters with applications in the fields of agriculture, forestry and marine with applications in the areas of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Member since: January 2022

Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico -RSE SpA
Research on the Energy System – RSE SpA is a joint-stock company of the GSE SpA Group, which develops research activities in the electro-energy sector, with particular reference to national strategic projects of general public interest, financed by the System Research Electric Fund. Member since: February 2022

Società Italiana di Aerosol(IAS)
The Italian Aerosol Society (IAS) is a member of the European Aerosol Assembly (EEA) and brings together researchers, practitioners and students involved in atmospheric aerosol science. The Society includes people who believe that an exchange of information and experience is the way to improve individual and professional growth and a necessary condition for scientific progress within our community. Member since: January 2019

Società Meteorologica Italiana (SMI)
Italian Meteorological Society gathers about 1000 members among professionals, students and amateurs, it’s the main and oldest meteorological association in Italy (it was established in 1865 thanks to the activity of the Barnabite meteorologist Francesco Denza) and it joined European Meteorological Society in 1999. Its mission is: popularization of meteorological and climate change informations, climate-related and environmental research, safeguard of ancient meteorological observatories, publication of the biannual “Nimbus” journal (since 1993), founded and edited by Luca Mercalli following the former “Bullettino” of Italian Meteorological Society. Member since: April 2015

Ca’ Foscari Univerity of Venice, Department of Economics
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, founded on 6 August 1868, is a modern university with a wide range of educational activities divided into four major scientific and cultural areas: economics, linguistics, science and humanities. Ca’ Foscari is very sensitive to the issues of sustainability and climate change. It was one of the first universities to launch a PhD programme on climate change (“PhD programme in Science and Management of Climate Change”) back in 2008, a programme that is still ongoing. As of 2018, it also organises the second-level master’s programme ‘Master of Research in Science and Management of Climate Change’. Member since: February 2022

Venice International University
Venice International University is something unique in the academic world: a consortium of 20 universities from all over the world with an autonomous campus on the island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
VIU member institutions experience an international, interdisciplinary and intercultural opportunity for learning, teaching and research cooperation. Member since: May 2022