CMCC-SISC WEBINAR “Adapting to climate change: linking knowledge, policies and practices”
“Adapting to climate change: linking knowledge, policies and practices”
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
h. 2.00 pm – 2.50 pm CET
Presenter: Sergio Castellari, Project Manager on climate change, impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, European Environment Agency (EEA)
Moderator: Carlo Barbante, Director, Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali (IDPA), CNR; President, Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC)
This webinar is jointly organized by CMCC Foundation and the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC)
Integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction is now a priority in European agenda. This effort is triggered from large economic, social and environmental losses of extreme weather and climate related events, including hydrological extremes.
Total reported economic losses of climate extremes over the 1980–2016 period in the 33 member countries of EIONET (network coordinated from the European Environment Agency – EEA) amounted to about EUR 436 billion at 2016 Euro values. In addition, extreme weather and climate related events can affect and shape ecosystems and thus have an impact on the services they provide.
Under future climate change, nearly all extreme weather and climate related events are projected to increase in severity, duration and/or extent, and some also in frequency. Along with climate change, socio economic developments such as growing population and economic wealth, developments in hazard-prone areas, and degradation of natural ecosystems will influence the exposure and vulnerability of many regions in Europe.
This webinar, based on a the recent EEA report Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe, presents selected cases from various European countries in which effective coherence between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction has been achieved, in various ways and to various degrees, highlighting how research can support evidence-based and robust decision-making and guide policies and practices.
Working language: English
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Watch the video:
Download the webinar presentation (pdf) by S. Castellari (EEA).
Read the integral version of the EEA report “Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe”.
Read also the news “Informing and supporting climate policy: the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA)”.