VIDEO/ Antonio Navarra presenta la Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima
Antonio Navarra, presidente della Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC), spiega in un video perché abbiamo bisogno che le tradizionali discipline che studiano i cambiamenti climatici convergano in una nuova disciplina integrata e vi invita a partecipare alla Prima Conferenza Annuale della SISC, a Lecce 23-24 settembre.
“Climate Sciences is much more than simply meteorology or atmospheric science. Climate Sciences have become very diffused in our society and impact different fields of knowledge and human activities.
We are imprisoned within the boundaries of the traditional scientific disciplines of the XIX Century.
We need an interdisciplinary dialogue, a convergence of traditional disciplines in something new that we may call Climate Sciences.
That’s why we have established the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) that aims at forging a new, integrated discipline on Climate Change.”