NEWS / The National Strategy of Adjustment to the Climate Change (SNAC) gets underway
The procedure related to the “National Strategy of Adjustment to the Climate Change” has been completed. Indeed, after the green light given by the Unified Conference, the document was “adopted and approved” through a managerial decree of the Ministry of the Environment no. 86 of June 16, the publication of which was announced in the Official Journal no. 153 of July 4.
The strategy, underlines the provision, is subject to “a revision every five years in order to take account of the results of the monitoring activities and achieve the general objective of resilience.” Moreover, by December 31, 2016, “by means of agreement to be made at the State-Regions Conference,” the Ministry of the Environment will define “roles and responsibilities for implementation of the adjustments actions and measures, as well as instruments of coordination among different levels of the territorial government,” “criteria of creation of reference climate scenarios at the district/regional level,” “preferable adjustment options enhancing opportunities or synergies,” “estimate of the necessary human and financial resources,” “efficiency indicators of the adjustment measures” and “manners of monitoring and assessment of the adjustment actions effects.”
Finally, the agreement will have to provide for the establishment of a “Permanent Forum” at the Ministry with the aim of promoting information, training, decision-making capacity of the citizens and the stakeholders,” as well as a “National Observatory” consisting of the representatives of the Regions and the local representations with a view to defining territorial and sectoral priorities and further monitoring of the efficiency of adjustment measures.” Both initiatives do not entail “additional expenses for the public finances.”