SISC Sixth Annual Conference – Extended deadline for abstracts submissions: 15 JUN 2018
“Recent trends in climate sciences, adaptation and mitigation” is the title of the SISC Sixth Annual Conference, taking place on October 17th-19th, 2018 at the Scientific Campus of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venezia-Mestre, Italy.
The Conference aims at connecting leading scientists, researchers, economists, practitioners, business leaders, and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
The Conference is an important interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of science and management of climate change.
We invite you to submit the abstract of papers by June 15th, 2018. Submit your abstract here!
SISC supported Event: 20 June 2018 – Micheal Mann’s Lecture on “Return to the Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump”
Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State and Director, Earth System Science Center, will held the lecture on “Return to the Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump”on 20th June 2018 in Venice.
Further info available here.
CMCC-SISC Webinar: 26 Jun 2018 – B. Stenni “Antarctic climate variability over the last 2000 years” On Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 at 12.00 pm Barbara Stenni, Associate professor of Geochemistry, Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will present “Antarctic climate variability over the last 2000 years”.
The webinar is jointly organized by CMCC Foundation and the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC).
Further info on how to participate is available here.
CMCC-SISC Webinar: S. Castellari “Adapting to climate change: linking knowledge, policies and practices” The video, presentation and readings on the CMCC-SISC Webinar held on March 21st, 2018, are now available at the webinar page in the SISC website.
Opportunity for SISC Members: “Bangkok Climate Change Conference” (4–9 Sep 2018, Bangkok, Thailand)
In order to facilitate the timely completion of the Paris Agreement work programme (PAWP) at the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC, an additional negotiating session will convene between the 48th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SBs 48) and COP 24.
Slated to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, the conference will include sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA). On 29 May 2018, it was announced that the dates for the meeting would be 4-9 September. Pre-sessional days are also anticipated.
The respective agendas of each subsidiary body will remain as adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, which took place from 30 April to 10 May 2018.
SISC members who would like to be nominated for attendance are kindly requested to contact the SISC Secretariat at segreteria@sisclima.it by June 22nd, 2018.
Follow SISC on Facebook SISC is now of Facebook! Follow @SISClimate
Innovation in communicating climate change – Call for Proposals – Best Climate Solutions 2018 Award
The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change in partnership with Festival for the Earth launched the 2018 edition of the Best Climate Solutions Award, looking for innovative projects and ideas to communicate climate change in education, advocacy, media production. The winning proposal will be presented at the Festival for the Earth 2018 in Venice and will receive a cash prize of 3000 euros. Deadline for applications: 28 June 2018
The 2018 edition of the Best Climate Solutions Award focuses on the challenge of “Communicating Climate Change Threats and Opportunities” and invites individuals, teams or organizations to propose innovative ideas, projects, and tools to effectively communicate climate change.
Although the reality of the changing climate is acknowledged, communicating solutions or strategies to act and address its cause and impacts remains a difficult task. However, new technologies and social innovation trends open the door to unprecedented opportunities to improve the way of presenting climate change information and the actions required to fight it.
For these reasons, the aim of the Best Climate Solutions 2018 Award is to showcase and promote the most creative and impactful initiatives designed to deliver engaging messages, raise awareness and trigger action in the audiences addressed, such as students, consumers, business or decision-makers.
Applications can be submitted via the online application form on the Best Climate Solutions platform by June 28, 2018 (5.00 pm CEST). Submitted projects will be evaluated by a highly qualified international jury and voted on through online polls.
Detailed information on eligibility, evaluation process, and the prize are available in the Award section of the Best Climate Solutions website.
Best Climate Solutions is a web platform developed by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) for showcasing the most innovative and compelling efforts from around the world to build a climate-smart and resilient future. Through an annual Call for Proposals, Best Climate Solutions selects and awards innovative projects and actionable ideas from across the world which provide solutions to targeted climate change challenges.
15 June 2018, Venice, Italy
Seminar: Is EU on the way to meet its Paris commitments? And why not?
Presenter: Jørgen Henningsen, Senior Adviser on Energy and Climate Change, European Policy Centre
19 June 2018, Bologna, Italy Seminar: Contributi dell’intelligenza artificiale allo studio del clima Presenter: Antonello Pasini, ricercatore CNR-Istituto di Inquinamento Atmosferico
20 June 2018, Venice, Italy Lecture: Return to the Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump Speaker: Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State, Director, Earth System Science Center
22 June, Turin, Italy
Lectio Magistralis: Ritorno al manicomio: il negazionismo climatico nell’era di Trump
Speaker: Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State, Director, Earth System Science Center
26 June 2018, Venice, Italy SISC-CMCC Webinar: Antarctic climate variability over the last 2000 years Presenter: Barbara Stenni, Associate professor of Geochemistry, Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
IPCC Expert Reviewer
The IPCC FOCAL POINT for Italy is glad to inform you that the IPCC has just opened TWO REGISTRATIONS for EXPERT REVIEW.
Instructions on how to register as an Expert reviewer are available at the following web pages:
for Expert Review of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and
Land: An IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land
degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse
gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
DEADLINE: 29 July 2018, 23:59 (CEST)
for Expert Review of the First Order Draft of the IPCC Special Report
on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
Deadline: The Expert Review of the First Order Draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) will take place from 4 May until 29 June 2018.
Expert Reviewers can register up to a week before the end of the review period.
New Master’s Programme in Climate Change Science and Management in Venice
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) have launched a new master of research in Climate Change Science and Management targeted at international students with experience or interest in dealing with scientific and socioeconomic aspects of the urgent global challenges posed by global warming. The programme builds on the 10-year unique experience of the PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change, pioneerd by Ca’ Foscari and CMCC in collaboration with Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS).
“The integration with the well-established PhD programme and the interdisciplinary approach of the Master offer students the opportunity to navigate in just one year the complexity of climate change, getting to learn the up-to-date scientific knowledge and some of the most important tools for policy analysis“, said Carlo Carraro, Director of the PhD programme.
This one-year master prepares experts who can:
• Understand and explain the physical and economic nature of climate change
• Assess the impacts, socio-economic effects, and uncertainties related to climate change
• Evaluates the socio-economic implications of mitigation and adaptation policies
• Apply interdisciplinary concepts, methods, and tools to analyze and design
innovative climate policy solutions and transformational pathways in the
context of sustainable development
programme has connections with an extensive network of research
institutes, consultancy agencies, and international organizations where
students can conduct their internship.
The application deadline for the Programme is July 15th, 2018.
For more information, contact Ca’ Foscari Challenge School at master.challengeschool@unive.it or see the full presentation here.
Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC)
Edificio Porta dell’Innovazione – Piano 2
Via della Libertà 12, 30175 Venezia – Italia
www.sisclima.it – info@sisclima.it