Keynote speakers


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Carlo Buontempo

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK

Carlo Buontempo is deputy heads of Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at ECMWF. He coordinates the activities of a number of international contracts working on the interface between climate science and decision making in sectors ranging from energy to city planning. He completed a PhD in physics at University of L’Aquila in 2004 then he moved to Canada for his post-doc before joining the Met Office.
He worked at the Hadley Centre for almost a decade were he led the climate adaptation team and more recently the climate service development team. In this role he led numerous projects involving climate change adaptation and regional modelling in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. In 2012 He became the scientific coordinator of EUPORIAS, and project funded by the European Commission through the 7th framework programme.

James Painter

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK

James PainterJames Painter is a Research Associate at the Reuters Institute.
James was the Director of the Journalism Fellowship Programme for eight years until he stepped down from the role in September 2017, when he took up a position as visiting professor at the IPMZ in the University of Zurich, then at the University of Navarra in Pamplona (2018), then at the University of Perugia (2018).
His main research interests are the portrayals of climate change in legacy, digital-born and social media around the world, and environmental communication in general.
For further information see the full profile.

Annapaola Rizzoli

Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy

Annapaola Rizzoli is a DVM, PhD operating in the field of Agri-Food, Health and Environment under the One Health perspective. Her major scientific interest and expertise is in the field of ecology, epidemiology and risk assessment of emerging diseases driven by global changes. She started her career first for the Centre for Alpine Ecology that she co-founded and directed till the merging of this centre within the Edmund Mach Foundation, where she direct the Research and Innovation Centre. She worked in this field integrating her education in veterinary medicine with interdisciplinary courses and training in other disciplines, especially biology, ecology, epidemiology, spatial and mathematical modelling. She coordinated and carried out several research projects on the impact of global changes on vector borne and zoonotic diseases emergence at national and international level. Her research work was supported also by competitive research funds provided by the Autonomous Province of Trento as well as international agencies, as ECDC, or the European Commission. She was recently awarded by the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor for the discipline 07/H3 Animal infectious and parasitic diseases. She is Assistant Editor of the Journal of Wildlife Diseases and the International Journal of Parasitology, Parasites and Wildlife other than member of international scientific society such as the Wildlife Diseases Association (WDA USA), EcoHealth (International Association for Ecology and Health, USA) and SOIPA (Società Italiana di Parassitologia).