EVENTS/ 6th May 2013, International Workshop on “The Climate Challenge in the Arctic”
The International Workshop on “The Climate Challenge in the Arctic. Environmental impacts, new opportunities and future policy options” is organised by the International Center for Climate Governance and will be held on May 6th in Venice, Italy.
Recent data shows that arctic sea ice is melting faster than originally predicted. Within the next decade, polar warming may transform the Arctic region from an inaccessible frozen desert into a seasonally navigable ocean, opening the way to new economic opportunities, most notably increased oil and gas extraction, shortened shipping routes and improved fishing and touristic activities.
Such a prospect is drawing the attention of both Arctic and non-Arctic states but at the same time concerns over the environmental, political, economic and cultural implications that these rapidly changing conditions could trigger are increasing.
The workshop will open with an overview of the main drivers of change and their impacts in the Arctic marine area. The new economic opportunities and the role of emerging stakeholders will be subsequently explored. In addition, an overview of the international regulatory and governance regime in the Arctic will be provided, taking into account existing gaps and potential challenges. Finally, the workshop will bring together the above aspects to explore future policy options to address security issues in the region.
The workshop is open to a selected audience. Please forward your request with motivation to by April 26th.
Updated information can be found at the workshop web page »