SISC mira a favorire lo scambio di idee, la creatività e lo sviluppo di nuove ricerche interdisciplinari per contribuire al progresso scientifico e all’innovazione delle scienze climatiche. La Bacheca SISC è il luogo che i soci possono utilizzare per condividere notizie, recensire libri, dare informazioni, suggerire letture, eventi o altro. Tutti i soci sono invitati a contribuire attivamente inviando il proprio testo, in italiano e/o inglese, a per la pubblicazione .

CMCC-SISC Webinar: “I negoziati sul clima a Katowice: esiti della COP24”

  CMCC-SISC Webinar – “I negoziati sul clima a Katowice: esiti della COP24” 11.00 am CET – 21 December 2018 Intervengono: Lucia Perugini – CMCC…

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[Media] Barbante e Caserini a “Pianeta Serra”

Carlo Barbante, Presidente della SISC, e Stefano Caserini, membro del consiglio direttivo di SISC, hanno partecipato a PIANETA SERRA, lo speciale sul riscaldamento globale su…

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CMCC-SISC Webinar: “IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C: An overview of the main outcomes”

  CMCC- SISC Webinar – “IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C: An overview of the main outcomes” 12.30 pm CET, –…

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7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean – MetMed

Deadline for abstracts submission: 10 October 2018 7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean – MetMed Palma, 4-6 March 2019 The congress…

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Eleventh Annual Meeting of the IAMC ( 13-15 November 2018 Sevilla Spain)- Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts Eleventh Annual Meeting of the IAMC November 13-15, 2018, in Sevilla, Spain. * Submission deadline: Before June, 30 * – Submit your…

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SISC Newsletter – Giugno 2018

SISC Newsletters report on institutional activities and events, training and job opportunities, publications and information relevant for climate sciences posted by SISC members in the…

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Partecipazione dei soci SISC alla “Bangkok Climate Change Conference” (4–9 Set 2018, Bangkok, Thailand)

In order to facilitate the timely completion of the Paris Agreement work programme (PAWP) at the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP…

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LECTURE: Return to the Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump

  LECTURE Return to the Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Penn State and Director,…

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CMCC-SISC WEBINAR “Antarctic climate variability over the last 2000 years”

CMCC-SISC WEBINAR “Antarctic climate variability over the last 2000 years” Tuesday, June 26, 2018 h. 12.00 pm – 12.50 pm CET Presenter: Barbara Stenni, Associate…

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SISC 2017 – Book of Abstracts

Il Book of abstracts della Conferenza Annuale SISC 2017 è ora disponibile. E’ possibile scaricarlo qui.

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