Avanzamenti nelle Scienze del Clima

Per il tema Avanzamenti nelle scienze del clima sono previste sei sessioni parallele; segue la lista dei titoli, degli orari e il dettaglio delle presentazioni. (Il programma completo della conferenza è disponibile qui)


Modes of variability in the Pacific Ocean

23 settembre 2013, 10:00 – 11:30

Chair: S. Masina – CMCC


10:00- 10:20 / ENSO Formation over the Equatorial Ocean
K. Miyakoda – Princeton University N.J.


10:20-10:40 / Intrinsic climate variability paced by external forcing: the Kuroshio Extension bimodality – North Pacific Oscillation case
S. Pierini – Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope


10:40-11:00 / Climatic trends of the equatorial undercurrent: A backup mechanism for sustaining the equatorial Pacific production
R. Ruggio – Università del Salento


11:00-11:20 / ENSO and Pacific Decadal Oscillation: decadal variability driven by tropical-extratropical interactions 
R. Farneti – ICTP


11:20-11:30 / Discussion


Regional climate modelling and downscaling

23 settembre 2013, 12:00 – 13:30

Chair: A. Pasini – IIA CNR


12:00- 12:20 / A statistical downscaling system for seasonal projections using ensemble neural networks with Bayesian regularization
S. Amendola – CMCC


12:20- 12:40 / Multimodel SuperEnsemble Downscaling of Regional Climate Models in South-Western Alps
S. Barbarino – Arpa Piemonte


12:40- 13:00 / Implementation and validation of a precipitation downscaling chain for regional climate modelling
D. D’Onofrio – Università degli Studi di Torino / ISAC-CNR


13:00- 13:20 / Performance evaluation of COSMO-CLM over Italy and climate projections for the XXI century
E. Bucchignani – CMCC
13:20-13:30 / Discussion



Variability and uncertainties using CMIP5 models

23 settembre 2013, 14:30 – 16:00

Chair: P. Lionello – Università del Salento / CMCC


14:30- 14:50 / A data-driven causality analysis for the attribution of recent global warming
A. Pasini – IIA-CNR


14:50- 15:10 / Reliability and skill of CMIP5 multi-model decadal hindcasts
S. Corti – ISAC-CNR


15:10- 15:30 / Snow depth in the “Third Pole”: how do CMIP5 models represent it?
S. Terzago – ISAC-CNR


15:30- 15:50 /Heavy precipitation events over the Euro-Mediterranean region in a warmer climate: results from CMIP5 models
E. Scoccimarro – INGV / CMCC
15:50-16:00 / Discussion



Modes of variability in the atmosphere and ocean

23 settembre 2013, 16:30 – 18:00

Chair: S. Corti – ISAC-CNR


16:30- 16:50 / Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on winter precipitation in the Hindu-Kush Karakoram
L. Filippi – ISAC-CNR


16:50- 17:10 / Atmospheric Blocking and Euro-Atlantic Winter Mid-Latitude Climate Variability
P. Davini – ISAC-CNR


17:10- 17:30 / The temporal variability and associated spectral features of transient-eddy meridional heat transport
G. Messori – Imperial College London


17:30- 17:50 / The Antarctic Circumpolar Wave scenario described as a combination of interannual signals
D. Cerrone – Università di Siena
17:50-18:00 / Discussion



Climate processes in the Mediterranean region I

24 settembre 2013, 9:00 – 10:30

Chair: V. Artale – ENEA


9:00- 9:20 / Future storm surge distribution along the Mediterranean coast
P. Lionello – Università del Salento / CMCC


9:20- 9:40 / Tropical-like cyclones in the Mediterranean sea: from the case study over Salento to a combined satellite-modelling approach
M. Miglietta – ISAC-CNR


9:40- 10:00 / Sicily monthly high-resolution solar radiation climatologies
M. Maugeri – Università Statale di Milano


10:00- 10:20 / Reconstruction of long time series of monthly temperature values by statistical methods: an application to Europe and the Mediterranean region
L. Scarascia – Università del Salento


10:20-10:30 / Discussion



Climate processes in the Mediterranean region II

24 settembre 2013, 11:00 – 12:30

Chair: P. Ruti – ENEA


11:00- 11:20 / Daily precipitation statistics over the Po Basin: observation and post-processed RCM results
M. Turco – CMCC


11:20- 11:40 / Climatological characterisation of the Ora del Garda wind in the Alps
D. Zardi – Università degli studi di Trento


11:40- 12:00 / Continuous measurements of climate altering halogenated gases at the Italian Climate Observatory O. Vittori (ICO-OV)
M. Maione – Università Carlo BO Urbino


12:00- 12:20 / The myth of Scylla and Charybdis: a torrent in the Messina Strait
G. Sannino – ENEA

12:20-12:30 / Discussion