Implicazioni sui servizi ecosistemici

Per il tema Implicazioni sui servizi ecosistemici sono previste sei sessioni parallele; segue la lista dei titoli, degli orari e il dettaglio delle presentazioni. (Il programma completo della conferenza è disponibile qui)


Dynamic landscapes: hazard & risk assessment

23 settembre 2013, 10:00 – 11: 30

Chair: P. Schiano – CMCC


10:00- 10:20 / An European HPC Infrastructure and the Climate Challenges
G. Erbacci – CINECA SCAI Department


10:20-10:40 / Exploring synergies for disaster risk reduction in Guatemala: the use of cognitive maps
V. Giannini – CMCC


10:40-11:00 / Syndromes of Land Degradation and Implications for Ecosystem Services in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. An Evaluation Framework for the Past and in Face of a Changing Climate
T. Ceccarelli – CRA-CMA


11:00-11:20 / Assessing environmental impacts of climate change at the regional scale to provide adaptation services: the Decision support System for Coastal climate change impact assessment (DESYCO)
S. Torresan – CMCC-ISC
11:20-11:30 / Discussion



Dynamic landscapes: hazard & risk assessment

23 settembre 2013, 12:00 – 13: 30

Chair: A. Marcomini – Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia


12:00- 12:20 / Towards flood risk assessment in a climate change perspective
P. Ronco – Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia


12:20- 12:40 / A risk-based assessment of impacts affecting groundwater resources and related ecosystems in view of climate change
S. Torresan – CMCC


12:40- 13:00 / Climate change scenarios of minimum, maximum temperature and precipitation over Italian areas, period 2021-2050
R. Tomozeiu – ARPA-SIMC Emilia-Romagna


13:00- 13:20 /Preliminary assessment of the effects of climate change on landslide activity of Orvieto clayey slope
G. Rianna – CMCC


13:20-13:30 / Discussion



Impacts on natural ecosystems I

23 settembre 2013, 14:30 – 16:00

Chair: J. Von Hardenberg – ISAC-CNR


14:30- 14:50 / Distribution of bioclimate zones and their shifting due to climate change
A. Trabucco – CMCC


14:50- 15:10 / Influence on population density and climate on the dynamics of the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) populations in the Piedmont region (Italy)
R. Casagrandi /A. Mignatti – Politecnico di Milano


15:10- 15:30 / Response to climate change of alpine glaciers in north-western Italian Alps
R. Bonanno – Arpa Piemonte


15:30- 15:50 / Has the ocean contributed to the decline of European eel recruitment? Results of a 40-year simulation experiment
R. Casagrandi / M. Schiavina – Politecnico di Milano
15:50-16:00 / Discussion



Impacts on natural ecosystems II

23 settembre 2013, 16:30 – 18: 00

Chair: R. Casagrandi – Politecnico di Milano


16:30- 16:50 / Climate Change Impacts on Distribution and Composition of the Alpine Natural Pasturelands
C. Dibari – Università degli Studi di Firenze


16:50- 17:10 / Larval Connectivity in the Central Pacific Ocean: Lagrangian simulations in the Northern Line Islands
R. Casagrandi – Politecnico di Milano


17:10- 17:30 / The effects of climate change on cuatro cienegas aquatic ecosystem in the desert environment of northern Mexico
M. Herrera-Pantoja – Queretaro Water Commission
17:30-18:00 / Discussion



Impacts on forest and agricultural ecosystems I

24 settembre 2013, 9:00 – 10: 30

Chair: P. Duce – CNR-IBIMET


9:00- 9:20 / The impact of selective logging on Forest structure, Plant Diversity and above-ground biomass of African tropical forests
F. Paparella – Università del Salento


9:20- 9:40 /Assessing the resilience of Mediterranean trees diversity to climate change projections
A. Di Paola – CMCC


9:40- 10:00 / Projected climate change impacts on staple crops in Nigeria
V. Mereu – CMCC


10:00- 10:20 / Evaluation of the potential of genomic tools and plant genes to mitigate the climate change impact and extremes on natural ecosystems and agriculture
S. Pavan – Università di Bari
10:20-10:30 / Discussion



Impacts on forest and agricultural ecosystems II

24 settembre 2013, 11:00 – 12:30

Chair: D. Spano – UNISS / CMCC


11:00- 11:20 / Local Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Fire Season Length



11:20- 11:40 / Analyzing changes in wildfire likelihood and intensity in Mediterranean areas: a case study from central Sardinia, Italy
M. Salis – UNISS / CMCC


11:40- 12:00 / Skill assessment of the global model EC-Earth in fire danger indices evaluation over the Greater Alpine Region: a comparison with the corresponding ERA-Interim Reanalysis parameters
S. Barbarino – ISAC-CNR


12:00- 12:20 / Historical Trends and Future Predictions of Fire Emission Estimation in Italy 
V. Bacciu – CMCC / UNISS
12:20-12:30 / Discussion